Why AngularJS is So Important for Mobile Application Development?

3 min read
Angularjs Mobile App Development

What is AngularJS?

As a structural framework, AngularJS allows web developers to come up with dynamic web apps. Herein HTML is used as the template language.

For and clear and succinct expression of an application’s components, a developer can extend HTML’s syntax. Another important advantage of using Angular JS is that much of the code writing can be eliminated through features such as dependency injection and data binding. Angular JS is further suited for all server technologies because all actions take place over the web browser.

Angular JS creates new HTML constructs to mitigate the impedance mismatch between an application’s requirements and document-centric HTML. It teaches a new syntax to a browser through a construct that is known as derivatives.

Why AngularJS is popular?

  1. Easy to use

User-friendly websites are created over Angular JS with minimum coding requirements and manual efforts.

2. MVC Architecture

It is supported by Angular JS to reduce the time to market and app development times.

3. Community support

Resolving doubts and queries is hence simplified in Angular JS.

4. Client-side operation

As a front-end web development framework, Angular JS generates a user interface for web pages and web applications. It is versatile and works for desktop and mobile devices alike. The front end of any type of application can be developed without modifying the backend.

5. Modularity in coding

Multiple modules can be created for a single web application. They can then be combined to create a single, running application.

6. Filters

Filters help transform the stored data into Angular JS responsive designs.

7. Easy Testing

The module separation feature allows loading the needed services based on requirement and simplifies the implementation of automated testing.

Why Angular JS is So Important?

Angular JS brings a range of benefits for web development:

  • Easy to learn

When one knows HTML, JavaScript and CSS, learning Angular JS is easy. This opens more job opportunities for one, and web application development is quicker as well.

  • 2-way binding feature

Angular JS facilitates immediate synchronization between view and model. The model and view update themselves based on the changes made in the other.

  • SPA features

Development of a single-page application results in a quicker website transition. The website will then work and seem like a native app. The communication of a website with the web browser will replace the prevailing web page with new webserver data. Loading completely new pages is not required.

  • Declarative UI

Templates are created using HTML by Angular JS. The language is declarative because of its innate intuitiveness and scalability. A declarative UI makes things easy to manipulate and understandable.

  • Facilitates optimal web application management

Angular JS uses MVC architecture, and the developers merge the code of these components. This is a time-saving feature as it helps string the code together.

Practical examples of using AngularJS

  1. Creating a Menu

Navigation menus make a part of all websites, irrespective of whether they are single-page, multi-page, or traditional. Using Angular JS, menus can be designed that have attractive animation effects and respond to user clicks in the desired way. A little bit of knowledge of HTML5 and CSS3 also helps achieve the same.

2. Creating a SPA

Angular JS helps create single-page websites that enable a more fluid experience for a visitor. Single-page applications promote the feel of a desktop application, rather than a multi-page website. This is because the entire code for a SPA loads dynamically or is retrieved up-front, based on the application’s requirements.


Angular JS is an advanced open-source framework for web development that Google has introduced. The framework is created to simplify web development, particularly single-page applications. There are several web development frameworks available in the markets. But Angular stays the perennial favorite for web developers, primarily because it lays an emphasis on testability and code quality.

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